13408 Santa Fe Trail Drive, Lenexa, Kansas

For the 1st time in 10 years, we have to increase our pricing to cover increased supplier costs. Thank you for remaining a customer. We appreciate your support.

Cake Info

  • Our rum cakes are vacuum sealed and will stay fresh for at least 15 days.. Once opened, cakes will stay fresh for at least 5 days – if stored in a sealed container or covered with plastic wrap. Cakes do not need to be refrigerated.
  • Our cakes freeze and thaw extremely well. Cakes will freeze for up to 12 months.
  • Heating instructions – preheat oven to 405 degrees. Slice cakes and place on cookie sheet.  Bake for 4 minutes.  Enjoy
  • Our cakes are shipped in minimal packaging, and the shipping container and inserts can be recycled or reused.
  • Cakes are shipped ground unless otherwise requested.
  • Wholesale and bulk pricing available at orders of 50 cakes.. Please call Craig at 913.526.6708.

Follow Us

13408 Santa Fe Trail Drive, Lenexa, Kansas 66215
